Ten Things that Caught My Eye Today (May 15, 2018)

1.Remember the Coptic martyrs of 2015? Associated Press: Libya hands over bodies of beheaded Christians to Egypt

2. Well-deserved: The Atlantic Council honors George W. Bush for his PEPFAR work in Africa

3. The sainthood cause for Father Ragheed Ganni, and Iraqi priest and his deacon companions killed in 2007, has been opened. See here and more here.



5. How I Found My Worth As A Mother In The Midst Of Raising A Child With Special Needs

6. ‘These Bombs Led Me to Christ

7. New York Times: Blood Donations From ‘Man With the Golden Arm’ Saved Millions of Australian Babies

8. Follow @xan_desanctis for the latest on the fight to keep Women’s Care Center open in South Bend. The euphemism pro-choice should be on its last legs as advocates of legal abortion doubledown on a seeming preference for abortion.

9. An Atlantic piece on fewer mothers in America.


PLUS: My syndicated column on the Met Gala and things.

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