Senate Investigation of Jill Stein for Collusion With Russia Slammed as ‘Absurd’

(ANTIMEDIA) —  Photos of former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a December 2015 dinner have made the rounds on the internet over the past year, but now it’s a bit more serious.

The Senate Intelligence Committee is now investigating Stein for possible “collusion with the Russians.” The committee members are not only probing for ties between the former presidential candidate and the Kremlin, but they are also actively investigating an accusation that the Clinton campaign paid for research that went into the Steele dossier alleging Trump engaged in an “extensive conspiracy” with Russia during a 2013 trip to Moscow.

According to Stein, in December 2015, she and Michael Flynn were invited to attend a dinner celebrating the 10th anniversary of RT, Russia’s state-owned English-language news outlet. At the dinner, Stein and Flynn were seated at the same table as Putin. While in Moscow, Stein agreed to take part in a panel of foreign policy experts at a forum organized by the news network.


Dennis Trainor Jr., a former Stein campaign employee, believes the committee is interested in “vilifying anyone who’s ever appeared on or talked with anyone on the RT network.”

The committee’s chairman, North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, was asked Monday what the committee could be looking for from the Stein campaign. He responded, “collusion with the Russians.”

Earlier this year, investigative journalist Abby Martin was mentioned in a report by the Director of National Intelligence. A paragraph criticizing RT called Martin’s show, which aired on RT two years prior, a “propaganda vector marking the beginning of the Kremlin attempt to subvert American democracy.”

Recently, press credentials of RT America journalists on Capitol Hill were revoked following the forced registration of RT as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

On Monday evening, a statement appeared on Stein’s website expressing her intent to comply with the investigation but cautioning against sensationalized media reports that undermine credible journalism.

Her supporters voiced their opinion on Twitter:

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