SECOND source confirms: Rosenstein THREATENED House Intel chair Nunes and entire GOP side of committee

(National SentinelConfirmation:Fox News legal analyst who claimed Friday night that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes and other Republicans on the panel now says a second source is confirming it.

The threat was allegedly tied to the Intelligence Committee’s then-plans to release the scandalous FISA memo, which revealed serial abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by upper echelon officials in the FBI and Justice Department to prevent Donald J. Trump from becoming president, and to undermine him after he defeated Hillary Clinton in November 2016. The memo says the officials used a bogus “Trump dossier” — a political document — and represented it before the FISA court as legitimate intelligence to get a surveillance warrant so the Obama administration could spy on a Trump campaign official, Carter Page.

The surveillance was reauthorized at least twice; all three authorizations involved use of the bogus dossier, which was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the campaign of Hillary Clinton.

Earlier Saturday The National Sentinel reported that legal analyst Gregg Jarrett told Sean Hannity during the latter’s program last night:

I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee.

On Saturday, Garrett tweeted out confirmation of that, adding that a second source has also come forward to corroborate his initial source.

“A 2nd source has now confirmed to me that, in a meeting on January 10, Deputy A-G Rosenstein used the power of his office to threaten to subpoena the calls & texts of the Intel Committee to get it to stop it’s [sic] investigation of DOJ and FBI. Likely an Abuse of Power & Obstruction,” Garrett tweeted.

In addition, Jarrett also named the crime Rosenstein may have committed.

“It is a crime for a government official to use his office to threaten anyone, including a member of Congress, for exercising a constitutionally protected right. See 18 USC 242 and other similar abuse of power statutes.”

He added: “Again, if true, Rosenstein’s action was an illegal abuse of power and he should no longer serve as Deputy Attorney General. He allegedly used threats to try to stop the Intelligence Committee from exposing wrongful behavior in an attempt to cover it up.”

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