Rosie O’Donnell’s contribution to treason

(National SentinelAmerica Haters: Former NSA contractor Reality Leigh Winner, the first leaker of highly classified national security information arrested and charged by the Trump administration, may have committed an act of treason.

And now, a well-known America-hating Leftist has indemnified that act by contributing a thousand bucks to her defense fund.

As reported by the Washington Times, sometime-actress and full-time saboteur of traditional America Rosie O’Donnell has donated money to a GoFundMe account set up to pay for Winner’s legal costs. And in doing so, O’Donnell mischaracterized Winner’s “alleged” treachery:

The Times:

The fund, launched Monday by one Shirley J. Fink, of Virginia, is to “assist with loss of wages, counseling from this traumatic experience and to be able to recover from this as Reality & her family rebuilds their lives.”

To correct the record, Winner has admitted to leaking the document she stole to The Intercept, a far-Left “investigative” news web site.

So now the trial is pretty much a formality; if all things remain the same, she’s going away for a long, long time. As she should.

What is it about the Left in America that such blatant disloyalty to country is something to be celebrated and rewarded? What this young lady did was not “brave,” and she is not a “patriot.” She violated her oath, she endangered the country, and she didn’t care at all about putting 311+ million Americans (including O’Donnell – a point that seems to have escaped her) in greater danger.

Leaking classified data relating to the manner in which our intelligence community conducts its business is not only a criminal act, it lessens the IC’s ability to keep us all safe.

Only the Left, devoid of a moral compass and love of country, doesn’t get that.


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