Report: GOP leaders set to ‘ROLL OVER’ on border security; will FUND ‘sanctuary cities’

(National SentinelFeckless: Republican leaders in the House and Senate are set to fully fund sanctuary cities and punt on funding for President Donald J. Trump’s border wall, The Daily Caller reported Friday, citing a senior GOP aide.

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If true, the move would hand Democrats a major victory while undercutting the president’s immigration agenda, even as federal immigration enforcement agents are being subverted by local leaders.

“House and Senate leadership has rolled over and played dead on border security. When it comes to a border wall, they say it is not our problem. When it comes to funding sanctuary cities, they say it is not our problem. What they are essentially saying is we are going to pass bills with more Democrats than Republicans,” the aide told The Daily Caller.

“This is a sign to administration that leadership doesn’t care what the White House wants. Even though GOP members ran on these issues. Conservatives mean it. The administration means it.”

The news site noted that Trump is arguably more wedded to his border security and immigration enforcement agenda than anything else he campaigned on, though he’s kept promises to cut taxes, cut regulations, and gut Obamacare to the extent that he can.

The DC noted further:

Within his first few weeks in office, Trump signed an executive order in January 2017 to strip federal grants from cities that harbor illegal immigrants. A federal judge blocked the president’s move that November, arguing that the administration did not have the legal authority to cut funding that Congress had already appropriated. The battle between the administration and federal courts is still ongoing, but Congress has the means to end the debate, given that it has the “power of the purse.”

Conservatives in Congress as well as the White House are currently lobbying congressional GOP leaders to cut off funding to sanctuary cities, which is not a popular position with high-dollar Republican donors.

They claim that if Congress cuts off funding for sanctuary jurisdictions, the court’s claim is undercut and the administration and Republicans could claim a victory.


Trump called on Congress March 10 to stop giving money to cities and other jurisdictions that are outright disobeying federal immigration laws.

“I’m calling on Congress to stop funding sanctuary cities so we can save American lives. The funding bill should not give precious and taxpayerax payer grants to cities aiding and abetting criminals,” Trump said at the rally for failed Republican congressional candidate Rick Saccone. “It’s what they do.”

Earlier this month Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf tipped off illegal aliens living in her city to a pending raid by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.

The tip-off led to hundreds of illegal aliens, many of whom have criminal records, to escape capture, drawing ire from Trump, ICE leaders, and a federal investigation by the Justice Department.

Also, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced this month that the federal government was filing suit against the state of California over its statewide sanctuary city law.

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