Remember ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal? Gowdy’s about to BUST it wide open

(National SentinelGunwalking: The Justice Department has agreed to provide the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform with long-sought documents pertaining to “Operation Fast and Furious” which became one of the Obama administration’s first major scandals.

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As reported by The Daily Caller, former President Barack Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder steadfastly refused to produce the documents which former Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, had called “critical” to the panel’s investigation at the time.

Fast and Furious was the codename for an operation conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. In involved allowing some 2,000 assault-style guns and other firearms to be ‘walked’ into Mexico, where they were delivered to members of drug cartels.

The agency was supposed to track the back to the cartels, but BATF and Justice Department officials assigned to monitor the weapons lost track of most of them, reports later said.


Republicans investigating the operation at the time suggested that the operation was part of a larger Obama administration push for more gun control, a claim supported by documents obtained in December 2011 by CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson.

Guns connected to the operation have since been discovered at multiple crime scenes north and south of the border. One of the guns was used by a suspected cartel member to murder U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

“The Department of Justice under my watch is committed to transparency and the rule of law,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in Wednesday a statement accompanying the announcement. “This settlement agreement is an important step to make sure that the public finally receives all the facts related to Operation Fast and Furious.”

Amanda Gonzales, a spokeswoman for committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., told The Daily Caller that the panel “seeks all relevant facts so we can learn from the mistakes made by the Justice Department.”

“We have a responsibility to uncover why they worked so hard to hide this information from the Committee, the family of Brian Terry, and the American people,” she continued.

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