Planned Parenthood: Women Who Abort Should Get Mother’s Day Cards

Women who abort their children should receive Mother’s Day cards too, according to Ghazaleh Moayedi an obstetrician-gynecologist at Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii and a proud spokesperson for Planned Parenthood.

Dr. Moayedi not only claims that women who abort their children deserve the same respect from society as those who raise a family, but she also says that motherhood made her a better abortionist, and bemoans the fact that there isn’t a Mother’s Day card for women who abort, i.e., kill their child because “abortion is an act of love”.

From her op/ed, “How Motherhood Made Me a Better Abortion Provider,” Glamour magazine, May 11, 2018:

“Are you still planning on doing abortions after you have your baby?” a colleague asked. I was visibly pregnant in my third trimester and pushing a patient to the operating room. I was surprised at the question. We were friends, and most of my coworkers knew I became a doctor in order to provide abortion care. “Of course I am, why?” I asked her. She replied: “I just thought it might be hard to do abortions once you have a baby yourself.”

“Nothing’s going to change,” I said with a smile.

I became pregnant halfway through my second year of ob-gyn residency training. Despite working in a profession dedicated to the care of pregnant women, I was surprised to find that having a baby as a female resident is strongly discouraged. I immediately came under scrutiny from my superiors. There were “jokes” about forcing other residents to be on birth control to prevent spreading the disease. I was determined not to show any weakness in my training as a result of my pregnancy . . . . Nothing was going to change . . . .

I am often asked whether providing abortion care is hard as a mother . . . . Holding my baby’s tiny hands in my own not only strengthened my commitment to providing compassionate abortion care but also exposed how I needed to commit to supporting mothers in all aspects of my care . . . .

There is no Mother’s Day card to celebrate abortion. There are Mother’s Day cards to celebrate giving hugs, wiping noses, and kissing boo-boos—actions that are seen as the core of how a mother expresses love for her children. For my patients who were not parents, and did not want to be at that moment, or who never want to be a parent, I recognize their abortions as an act of intentional motherhood. Choosing when to parent is an act of love. For my patients that were already parenting, I feel the deep love they had both for the children they had and for the pregnancies they were ending. Choosing an abortion is an act of love.

Abortion is an act of love!

Yeah, I love you so much, I killed you. That’s how much I love you.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” –Isaiah 5:20