#OpNSA: 31 Australian Government domains hacked amid spying row with Indonesia

#OpNSA: 31 Australian Government domains hacked amid spying row with Indonesia

Newly emerging hackers from Indonesia going with the handle of Gantengers Crew are being the hacking of 31 Australian government owned domains against Canberra’s spying activities over Jakarta. 

28-australian-government-domains-hacked-by-indonesian-gantengers-crewSultanHaikal of Gantengers Crew told me that Indonesians are in anger over spying row and that is why 28 sub-domains of New South Wales’s government (nsw.gov.au) have been targeted. However, the sites are not completely but partially defaced with images and messages left by the hackers.

  • Hacked by Gantengers Crew | SultanHaikal Indonesian was here!  F**K you government! why so serious? Greetz to all Indonesian hackers.

Targeted domains belong to different city councils and ports of New South Wales’s government.

Links of targeted domains along with their zone-h mirrors are available here.

Gantengers Crew was also behind the hacking and defaced of Australian National University against the spying issue revealed by NSA‘s ex-tech Edward Snowden.

At the time of publishing this article, all targeted sites were displaying images and messages left by the crew.
