#OpMaryville: Anonymous Threatens To Go After Alleged Rapists, Prepares Twitter Storm for #JusticeforDaisy

#OpMaryville: Anonymous Threatens To Go After Alleged Rapists, Prepares Twitter Storm for #JusticeforDaisy

The online hacktivists from Anonymous group has started an new operation under the banner of  OpMaryville. The operation is planned when authorities at Maryville set freed and dropped all charges against two alleged boys of rapping a 14-year-old girl.


Anonymous hackers want higher authorities at Maryville to investigate the investigators of this case as it believes that the case was not handled unprofessionally. The first order of business on Anonymous’ agenda is a Twitter storm scheduled to start on October 15, 2013, at 5PM EST / 2PM PST.

  • Raise Awareness in social media, put pressure on Attorney General Chris Koster to launch an investigation into the lack of charges against Matthew Barnett (despite a confession and evidence of his guilt), and promote that on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at 10:00am we will meet at the Nodaway County Courthouse in Maryville, Missouri with daisies in our hands for a peaceful protest in support of Daisy Coleman.

In addition to the Twitter storm, a physical protest in support for Daisy Coleman, the victim, has been scheduled for October 22, 10 AM, at the Nodaway County Courthouse in Maryville, Missouri.

If you are interested to join the operation or want to know more on Operation Maryville, then visit the Pastebin.