More proof the anti-Trump Democratic hate machine is an EPIC FAIL

(National SentinelRed Wave: Since before he took office in January 2017, the Alt-Left Democratic Party and its allies in the Pravda media launched a 24/7/365 hate campaign directed against President Donald J. Trump.

The goal was to make Trump the most despised president in the history of the country, making him so unpopular that impeachment — for something, anything — was a foregone conclusion.

There has been no let-up. More than a year later, the hate continues. It’s nonstop. It won’t stop.

Negative coverage of the president in the media has reached more than 90 percent.

But through it all, Trump has persevered. And he’s kept most of his campaign promises.

Where he has failed, his supporters know who is responsible: Congress and the Deep State. They, not Trump, are the reason why Obamacare remains the law of the land, there is no border wall construction yet, and illegal immigration is getting out of hand again.

That said, many of Trump’s policies have had time to work. And boy, are they.

A reduction in costly regulations combined with massive tax reform/tax cut legislation has jump-started the economy and job creation, taking the country down to an unemployment rate of 3.9 percent — which is basically full employment.

Trump has stared down our enemies, defeated ISIS, is rebuilding our military, and gaining the U.S. new respect around the world.

He has pulled the U.S. out of disastrous trade and climate agreements and his administration is renegotiating remaining bad deals.

In sum, Trump is doing what he said he’d do. And the country is responding, much to the chagrin of Democrats.

As noted in a recent CNN poll tweeted out by the Senate Republicans, 57 percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction.

That’s the highest percentage in a decade.

You just know Jake Tapper had a hard time busting that out.

Trump’s success is making Democrats turn even further to the Left — which, as Ken Matthews, who is guest-hosting for Rush Limbaugh today, noted, is good news for conservatives and Trump supporters.


Because come the 2018 midterms and the 2020 presidential election, Trump and those candidates who support him will have a substantial record of accomplishment to run on.

The country is responding to that record of accomplishment by signaling its growing support.

Meanwhile, all the Democrats have to offer is socialism, Marxism, and hate.


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