More about NOTHING: Senate transcripts regarding Don Jr.’s Tower meeting with Russian lawyer PROVE he was telling the truth

(National SentinelVindication: For months last year the American Pravda media and Left-wing conspiracy theorists claimed there was something nefarious about a meeting Donald Trump Jr., held with a Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

News of the June 9, 2016, Trump Tower meeting was leaked to the press claiming that Don Jr. met Veselnitskaya because she said she had ‘dirt’ on then-Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton.

Don Jr. said, of course, his father’s campaign would be interested in anything they could get on Hillary, no matter where it came from.

But that’s not what Veselnitskaya wanted the meeting for. She was there to lobbyagainst the Magnitsky Act.

When it became apparent that was her only objective, Don Jr. ended the meeting about 20 minutes in — which is what he has said publicly.

Now, according to an 1,800-page transcript of testimony Don Jr. and others gave to the Senate Judiciary Committee last year, it appears as though the president’s son was telling the truth.

The committee released the transcripts as the Trump Tower meeting becomes a new focus of special counsel Robert Mueller.

The Washington Post reported:

The excerpted testimony shows that attendees at the June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting largely agreed with Trump Jr.’s long-standing contention that the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, did not transmit dirt about Clinton. She has denied she was acting on behalf of the Russian government.

What’s more, according to the transcripts, the Left-wing conspirators who have repeatedly claimed that President Donald J. Trump and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, are best buds, are dead wrong.

Prior to Trump’s 2016 victory, the two had never met, as the Post notes:

The testimony also includes new details about Trump’s long interest in building business ties to Russia and a relationship with President Vladi­mir Putin.

An Agalarov employee testified to the committee that the Russian mogul tried to get Trump a meeting with Putin when the Miss Universe pageant, which Trump owned, was held in Moscow in 2013.

The employee told the committee that Agalarov “secretly requested” the meeting through a Russian government official.

Putin agreed to attend a pageant rehearsal, but canceled at the last minute. Though Trump periodically claimed during the campaign that he knew Putin, there is no evidence the two men met until after Trump took office.

And let’s never forget who was behind the meeting in the first place: Fusion GPS, the shady political opposition research firm that commissioned the bogus “Russia dossier” paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

Three of the eight people at the Trump Tower meeting were associated with Fusion, The Gateway Pundit notes:

— Donald Trump Jr.
— Jared Kushner (left early)
— Paul Manafort
— Natalia Veselnitskaya (Fusion GPS)
— Anatoli Samochornov (translator and Fusion GPS)
— Rinat Akhmetshin (lobbyist – Fusion GPS)
— Rob Goldstone
— Rep. of the Agalarov Family

It’s also important to remember that Veselnitskaya met with Fusion founder Glenn Simpson before and after the Trump Tower meeting in NYC.

What these transcripts prove — again — is that Mueller got nothing because there’s nothing to have.

The Russia collusion story is a hoax, period, which makes the investigation phony as well.


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