Liz ‘Fauxcahontas’ Warren refuses to take DNA test; ‘I know who I am’

By J. D. Heyes, editor-in-chief

(National SentinelBusted: For years Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has been dogged by criticism over her unsubstantiated claims that she’s got Native American blood.

The issue came up during her 2012 race against Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts, when the incumbent Republican challenged her self-proclaimed Cherokee Indian heritage which he said she used to get ahead at various universities including Harvard to gain employment as a law school professor.
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“She checked the box. She had an opportunity, actually, to make a decision throughout her career,” Brown said during a televised debate with Warren Sept. 20, 2012, according to The Washington Post. “When she applied to [the University of Pennsylvania] and Harvard, she checked the box claiming she was Native American, and, you know, she’s clearly not.”

The Post’s “Fact Checker” noted:

Warren has claimed Cherokee and Delaware Indian heritage, but the only proof so far seems to be stories she says she heard from family members as a child. Cherokee groups have demanded documentation of the candidate’s Native American ancestry, but she hasn’t delivered.

And apparently, she’s never going to deliver.

The Washington Times reported that Warren is refusing to accept a challenge by the Berkshire [Mass.] Eagle to take a DNA test to prove her lineage once and for all as she comes up for reelection this year.

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In an appearance on Fox News, she was asked point-blank if she would “take the spit test,” but refused saying, “I know who I am.”

Rather, the Times reported, Warren fell back on a claim of family lore that has not been substantiated and in fact cannot be substantiated, which I’m sure she fully realizes. She told Fox News the well-worn story about how her folks fell in love as teens in Oklahoma and wanted to get married but they eloped eventually because her father’s family “was bitterly opposed to that because she was part Native American.”

“I know who I am because of what my mother and my father told me, what my grandmother and my grandfather told me, what all my aunts and uncles told me, and my brothers,” Warren told Fox News Sunday. “It’s a part of who I am and no one’s ever going to take that way.”

Fauxcahontas — as she’s been nicknamed by critics skeptical of her claims — made the rounds on Sunday news shows and repeated what she told Fox News as part of an effort to once again tamp down the allegations ahead of her reelection bid later this year, which she’ll probably win because her Alt-Left supporters in Deep Blue Massachusetts couldn’t care less about a little white lie regarding ethnicity (see what I did there?).

As for Brown’s allegation that Warren used her heritage claim to advance her career, naturally she denies that and so have the liberal universities that hired her (to be fair, she did well as a professor after hiring on). But as the Post Fact Checker noted, Warren first listed herself as a minority Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.
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Those who deny the strongest that she was recruited without any knowledge that she was a minority are some of the same ones who have admitted to “active” pursuits of women and minorities as professors to satisfy school “diversity” goals, the Fact Checker noted.

The bottom line is this: If you believe that Fauxcahontas did not use her nefarious claims as a woman with Native American ancestry to get ahead, then you’ll have to explain why she bothered to include claims of ‘minority’ status in her law school directory listings in the first place.

I’m betting that’ll be a little tough.

A version of this story first appeared at

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