Is House Intel ranking member Adam Schiff a LEAKER? Trump, Sanders CALL HIM OUT

(National SentinelClassified: President Donald J. Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders have both intimated that House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Adam Schiff, D-Calif., is responsible for a series of leaks of highly classified information discussed before the panel.

The president put Schiff in the limelight as a potential leaker during an interview with The Wall Street Journal that was published Thursday.

“All I see of these Democrats, like Adam Schiff — it’s all he does, he’ll have a meeting, and then he’ll leave, and he’ll call up the meeting, and then I’ll have a meeting and then he’ll leave. He left meetings where people are being interviewed, and then all of a sudden they say a story about what’s going on inside the meetings,” Trump said.

He added: “It’s probably illegal, what he’s doing.”

Thursday afternoon Sanders also took aim at Schiff.

“The only people that we’ve seen trying to influence the investigation are former Director Comey and Democrats in Congress — and that would include Senator Feinstein, Representative Schiff — who have both selectively leaked to the media witness interviews,” said Sanders.

“We see that to be a big problem and something that should certainly be considered and looked at,” she added.

Schiff, who is the Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat, has been accused in the past of potentially being a leaker.

Trump assistant Dan Scavino suggested as much in December.

Scavino, Trump’s assistant and director of White House social media, mentioned “Leaker Adam Schiff” in a tweet that went viral. Scavino’s tweet came in a response to a tweet sent by former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer.

“Just a reminder that CNN, CBS and MSNBC have yet to explain how numerous ‘independent’ sources all misread the date on an email in calls to each of those three outlets. No explanation. None,” Fleischer tweeted.

“Perhaps they are waiting to hear back from Leaker Schiff?” Scavino responded.

Schiff has not been officially identified as leaking sensitive information presented to the committee. However, leaks of information that has been discussed by or presented to the committee have been constant throughout its investigation into Russian election interference and alleged collusion with the Trump campaign.

Schiff denied to CNN‘s Jake Tapper that he was leaking information.

“All the press that have dealt with me in this investigation know, often to their frustration, that I don’t discuss the contents of our investigative interviews. The only exception I make is when people refuse to answer questions because I don’t allow them to leave the room and say we cooperated fully,” said Schiff.

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