Hyundai, Nintendo, and Sony have updated their warranties following warnings from the FTC

Six major hardware manufacturers received warning letters from the US Federal Trade Commission earlier this month, which stated that their warranties might conflict with US law. In response, Nintendo and Sony have announced that they will update their policies, according to US Gamer.

The six companies were ASUS, HTC, Hyundai, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony. The FTC warned them that their respective warranties, which specified that consumers couldn’t use third-party parts, accessories, or if “warranty seals” were removed, might violate the law.

US Gamer reports that Sony and Nintendo have responded to the letter by updating their policies: Nintendo issued a statement saying that it will honor warranties “for defects not caused by the user or by other unauthorized acts,” while Sony updated its policies to specify that its warranties do not apply in instances where third-party parts or accessories cause damage, but not if they’re installed, or if a product is damaged by repairs by anyone other than an authorized dealer — but it will apply if you merely remove the stickers. Hyundai told Car and Driver that it’s fixed the wording on its website.

As Motherboard noted in 2016, it’s illegal for manufacturers to void a warranty because you’ve repaired a device by yourself. Each company had 30 days to respond to the FTC’s recommendations, or they would face legal action. We’ve reached out to ASUS, HTC, and Microsoft for comment, and will update if we hear back.