House Intel Committee could release FIVE MORE MEMOS exposing ‘politically motivated’ abuses by FBI, DOJ

(National SentinelFull Disclosure: Reports over the weekend noted that the House Intelligence Committee is preparing to release as many as five additional memos showing alleged legal abuses by some current and former ranking officials within the FBI and Justice Department.

The additional memos, were they to be released, follow the first “FISA memo” released on Friday detailing serious fraudulent activities in pursuit of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant by the FBI and DOJ to spy on a member of the Trump campaign over alleged ties to Russia.

Axios reports that the House panel could publish up to five more reports outlining “politically motivated “wrongdoing” across different agencies, including the FBI, the broader Justice Department, and the State Department.”

The site noted:

Republicans close to Nunes say there could be as many as five additional memos or reports of “wrongdoing.” But a source on the House Intelligence Committee tells me there’s no current plan to use the same extraordinary and highly controversial process they just went through, with a vote and ultimately a presidential approval to declassify sensitive information.

“There are several areas of concern where federal agencies used government resources to try to create a narrative and influence the election. Some have suggested coordination with Hillary Clinton operatives, [Sydney] Blumenthal and [Cody] Shearer, to back up the false narrative,” one Republican member of Congress told Axios.

That coincides with earlier reporting by Fox News contributor and investigative journalist Sara A. Carter, who said Saturday that additional memos are on the way.

“Here’s what we know. There was a second dossier that was put together by a person named Cody Shearer. He is a very controversial activist, a former reporter who worked with the Clintons in the past,” she said.

“And the FBI was also using this second dossier as part of what they were doing to back up the other dossier by Christopher Steele, an unverified dossier. And we believe Christopher Steele was also sending information to the State Department in bits and snippets,” Carter noted further.

“But I think the most important thing here and one of the things they are going to be looking at very closely are the leaks. There were a number of leaks out unverified information by possibly senior members of the Obama administration,” she said.

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