House Intel chair Nunes exposes Comey’s big DOSSIER LIE; challenges him to RE-TESTIFY before his committee

(National SentinelSelf-Defense:  House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., defended his panel’s release of the scandalous FISA memo and disputed former FBI Director James Comey’s criticism of it.

During a Fox News interview with newsman Brett Baier, Nunes also extended an invitation to the fired former FBI director to reappear before the Intelligence Committee to answer new questions about the so-called “Trump dossier,” a political opposition document Comey and others within the Obama administration misrepresented as legitimate intelligence before the FISA court in order to get a surveillance warrant so they could spy on a President Donald J. Trump campaign figure, Carter Page.

Nunes was also highly critical of the politicized Obama-era FBI, Justice Department and State Department, which he compared to a “banana republic.”

“Mr. Comey had a chance in January, February, March, April…all the way til June (2016) to come clean about who for the [falacious anti-Trump dossier],” said Nunes, according to this transcript.

“He was asked about it in January [2017] and he said very clearly that he knew that it was Republicans who started the dossier — which was a lie — and then when asked and probed further, ‘Well, who finished the dossier?’ he didn’t know,” Nunes continued.

“Now maybe he was lying, maybe he didn’t know. But both seem a problem,” Nunes added. “So Mr. Comey is welcome to come back, tell us when he learned that the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for the dossier.

“He’s welcome to come back and share that information, but I think the American people understand that the FBI should not go to secret courts using information that was paid for by the Democrats to open up investigations and get warrants on people of the other political party,” Nunes said.

“That the type of stuff that happens in banana republics.”

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