Expert: Geoengineering ‘Being Used As Weapon, An All-Out Assault Against Life’

Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington recently sat down with USA Watchdog‘s Greg Hunter to discuss the metal particulates being used to reflect the sun in what is most commonly known as chemtrails. Wigington doesn’t mince words when he says climate engineering is an “all-out assault on life.”


Dane Wigington’s sole mission is to warn the world about extreme weather modification currently being used to cool the planet. Wigington says this effort to combat “climate change” is having the opposite effect. Commonly known as “chemtrails,” geoengineering and is destroying the earth’s ability to sustain life. “Anyone who thinks this [geoengineering] isn’t going on isn’t living in reality,” Wigington begins.

“We are asking everybody to help us to sound the alarm. We can bring this issue to light, and populations all over the globe will be forced to realize they have been part of a grand and lethal experiment with [the] irreparable damage already done for which there is no return. We need to galvanize global populations in a common cause to expose the power centers around the world that are collaborating, colluding and cooperating on this incredibly lethal operation of geoengineering. If we can bring this issue to light, we can bring it to a halt.”

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Wigington runs the website Geoengineering and has compiled a massive amount of data on the harm and damages geoengineering or “chemtrails” have done to the Earth.

“Stand back and consider: You can’t breathe without inhaling these [metal] particulates [used to reflect the sun’s rays]. They are completely saturating the air column. I assure you, this is building up in all of us. Lab tests prove this with hair, blood and urine . . . they are building up in all of us. Not only is it right here, right now, toxifying every breath we take, it is decimating the earth life support system, the protective layers of the atmosphere and the ozone layer. This is an all-out assault against life. This is being used as a weapon. These programs are not benevolent. In addition to being used as a weapon, climate engineering is being used to mask, and this is very important, it is being used to mask the full severity of climate collapse from the population by confusing and dividing people. . . . They are going to keep covering this up until the last possible moment.”

Wigington also discusses how the federal government is gagging meteorologists, right down to those in local weather networks to prevent the information about geoengineering from getting out. Propaganda has fully infiltrated academia so much so that most people have tossed logic and reason aside in favor of the official narrative, even though that narrative rarely (if ever) makes any sense.

“We have an academic community that has been completely hijacked in order to tow the official narrative of denial. We’re simply asking people to review what we have: film footage, photographic evidence, nozzles mounted on the aircraft, Senate documents, government documents, international governance treaties for geoengineering…the list of data we have is unimaginable. We’re simply asking people to get past their bias and preconception and ideology and look at some facts.”

“In 2016, I received a letter, USPS, no return address, no identification, but it was a copy of the illegal federal gag order that had just been filed against national weather service and NOAA employees…the government’s weathermen…they already have no first amendment protection. There is an illegal federal gag order that restricts them [meterologists] from disclosing any part of the organization’s operations.”

Wigington also discussed the problems he’s been having with Facebook. The social media giant is known for its censorship in favor of government propaganda, but Wigington wants everyone to know its a fact, not a theory that Facebook is restricting factual information in order to brainwash the public on behalf of the government.

“I think the powers that be suppress the message,” says Hunter. To which Wigington replies:

“What we post [on Facebook] is not going out to even to those who have signed on to our pages. It’s not going out. We know that for certain now.”

After the interview with Greg Hunter concluded, Dane Wigington passed along a few short videos that show what geoengineering looks like. It’s undeniable our skies are being sprayed — click here and click here to see the evidence.

“People ask ‘why would people in power want to control the weather?’ I think the more logical question is ‘why wouldn’t they’?” –Dane Wigington
