Engineering The Rollout Of Geoengineering

Bernie Suarez
Activist Post

The systematic pre-planned rollout of geoengineering and aerosol spraying of our skies is now in full swing. This attempt to roll chemtrails out to the general public was predicted and anticipated by many in the movement for years, but now we are seeing the actual implementation of the agenda. Chemical spraying nationwide has been relentless for years.

All of humanity has been watching planes dropping their sustained chemical trails which artificially start and stop whenever chemical barrels are empty or when perhaps the person or system controlling the release of these chemicals from the planes needs to. All of this has been happening in broad daylight. We’ve watched as these unmarked planes with transponders in the off position sneak around the skies (go to and confirm this for yourself). These same non-passenger planes are known to loop around and fly back in the same path previously traveled. Whistleblowers have come out and confirmed many segments of these mass operations. I have personally interviewed someone who had regular access to a large military Air Force base and confirmed the spraying of the “white stuff”. Others have taken up to sampling soil, water and air, all which have turned up exponentially high levels of improbable metals, and the accompanying pH increases that come with that. Many of the metals found just happen to match the metals required in the same weather modification patents issued to U.S. defense contractors. All of these metal elements are incompatible with life. All have deleterious effects on all of nature, its life forms and its life cycles. All of these realities ignored by the U.S. government, its mouthpiece politicians and the mouthpiece geoengineers.

All of this information only confirms and vindicates the whistleblowers who have spoken out against chemtrails spraying operations. For years now chemtrails operations have become common knowledge, having been exposed worldwide from deep in the trenches of the movement to the public and private letter writing efforts to politicians and other agencies informing and inquiring about these programs and asking for their help. At some point in say the last 5-10 years the movement started getting attention from segments of media but the script eventually became clear: chemtrails was to be denied and not talked about. Soon we saw those stories about chemtrails go away, ignored, side-stepped and even replaced by other environmental concerns.

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Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich may have learned about the need to keep chemtrails in denial mode the hard way when his brother was mysteriously “found dead” in his own home. Was this foul play? Who knows, but this much is factually known: Kucinich was also the one who specified “chemtrails” in his Space Preservation Act of 2001. He wasn’t kidding. The opposition and its Internet trolls would have you believe he didn’t really mean chemtrails. It was all a misunderstanding. Anyone believes this? We may not know who was behind the mysterious death of his brother but we do know Kucinich never spoke about chemtrails again.

As for the movement against chemtrails, it has been met with as much resistance and propaganda as any movement. My hat goes off to the chemtrails-geoengineering activists. They’ve had to watch as the control system literally re-edits old movies and animated films to insert chemtrails into them. This is the same system that is re-educating the children that cirrus clouds and geometrically straight (tic-tac-toe) lines in the sky are part of natural cloud formation. We’ve watched paid trolls defend chemtrails by asserting (blindly) that persistent contrails is the ordinary phenomenon which explains how temperature-humidity variations dictate whether planes can change today’s weather in a matter of an hour or two. These are just some of the piles of lies that the chemtrails movement has been subjected to, up until now that is.

Until now, the globalists and their politician minions have been sitting on the deny card. This plan is about to change. The trick is how to go from covert to overt. How to say we admit we’re doing it, but then sell the item as a good thing. This is a job that can only be pulled off by Barack Obama and his administration. In times like these you need a sales closer to close the deal. Someone who can convince the victim that the punishment is good for them. Like a master-slave relationship.

Look, for example, at how Obama is selling mass surveillance to the American public, even comparing the dreaded NSA to American heroes like Paul Revere. The control system knows no one can sell tyranny to America the way that Obama can. They know that the time to flip the mass perceptions of various conspiracies against humanity is now, while the current president is in power, and there is no time to waste. The rolling out of geoengineering seems to be well within this timing.

The move to roll out geoengineering and chemtrails seemed to have accelerated after the September 2013 revelation that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was prepared to put out a climate report that admits the earth had actually been cooling since 1998. This information which conflicted with all the global warming claims had to be dealt with in a manner that is conducive to continued spraying and continued advancement of Agenda 21 and global carbon tax. Thus, since then the administration signed an executive order to take over all climate change legislation. Then SHOWTIME cable network launched Years of Living Dangerously, a TV show promoting global warming and its ties to climate change. This also called for late-year press releases from media reminding viewers that global warming is still alive … in the form of global cooling, of course! This also pushed IPCC to put out the official claim that since 1998 we are simply in a global warming “pause”.

As if that wasn’t enough propaganda, the control system then launched an attempt to go for it all. In early December 2013 government geoengineering front man David Keith goes on a national TV late night show and announces a solution; we need to spray the skies to help cool the planet against global warming. As if activists, informed citizens and critical thinkers don’t exist, Keith makes his claims on the Colbert Report to the sarcastic reaction of both host Stephen Colbert and the crowd before walking off seemingly uncomfortably. Had we seen the last of it then or was the system planning other moves to roll geoengineering out to the general public?

As the New Year began, we all knew they were not done but no one could know for sure which direction the control system would go next. Now we know.

Now we have a clearer picture of where the agenda is going in their quest to roll out geoengineering. Ironically, it was about mid-way last year when I received an email from someone defending against one of the videos posted on my website, asking me to take it down. The person said they agreed with much of the content and videos on the site but this one video in which an individual recorded a chemtrails pilot admitting they are spraying is attributed to Weather Modification Inc., a weather modification company as the name clearly implies. The person claimed this company is legitimate and nothing to do with the chemtrails operations.

Why is this important? Because this raises fundamental questions such as; are we to view the spraying of metal particles chemicals to manipulate the weather as a “good” chemtrails spraying? Is spraying of metal particles (including silver iodide and aluminum) approved by We The People? Have the long-term effects of spraying been examined by physicians and health experts and deemed to be safe? How are these spraying programs being conducted by Weather Modification Inc. different from the spraying programs we are observing every day in our skies? What else does Weather Modification Inc. do? What if all chemtrails operations can be attributed to Weather Modification Inc.? Does that give the public a reason to finally accept chemtrails as a normal operation being conducted by government good-guy contractors for your own good?

Let’s explore even deeper questions like: What public statements can Weather Modification Inc. issue regarding chemtrails planes? If what they are doing is moral and acceptable to the public why isn’t Weather Modification Inc. upset about the chemtrails planes ruining their work? For example, if I’m a pilot with Weather Modification Inc., wouldn’t it concern me that while I’m dropping silver iodide in the atmosphere to create rain, another unmarked plane could be flying around dropping ‘other’ non-approved chemicals on the same atmosphere I’m working on? Where’s the conflict? Wouldn’t this scenario present massive problems and potential wasted money? That would actually give Weather Modification Inc. twice the reasons to protest chemtrails. After all, those planes illegally dumping chemicals are a threat to the effectiveness of Weather Modification Inc.’s work and a major threat to their reputation. If Weather Modification Inc. really believed this, wouldn’t they themselves want to track the chemtrails planes and want to file a lawsuit, criminal investigation or Freedom Of Information Act request or anything to fight back against chemtrails? Is this a textbook example of compartmentalization of knowledge? I think it is. Listening to the chemtrails pilot, it almost sounds like he genuinely doesn’t think he is doing anything wrong. It takes us back to the U.S. Air Force CHEMistry 131 manual with the ‘Chemtrails’ written all over the front. Surely most if not all US. Air Force pilots will study this manual and not think this could be used in a bad way. If nothing else, the video above shows how they get the pilots to do the work. This is the magic of compartmentalization of knowledge.

Now in Southern California, where chemtrails operations have been at an all-time high, with chemicals being dumped at record levels into the sky every single day, we are now experiencing an engineered “catastrophic” drought. However, we know that where the ability to make rain exists, the ability to stop it also exists. These are the fundamentals of weather control. This truth is being hidden from the public as Weather Modification Inc. has now been rolled out to the general public in a local news segment reporting not only the emergency drought that we are in, but the solution being delivered by Weather Modification Inc. After seeing this report, it occurred to me we’ve come full circle. Problem, Reaction, Solution. Another solution being offered to an engineered problem. Of course, we’ve known all along that this is how the control system operates.

So even though control of the weather was considered conspiracy not very long ago, now it is being put out into the public as a good thing. The History Channel told us years ago, it (chemical spraying) was being used as a weapon (for creating drought and heavy rain) against potential enemies; even so, some disregarded the History Channel documentary as fiction and insisted all of this was a conspiracy.(?) Now it’s being sold by local news as a solution to the current engineered west coast drought.

For a movement that has been eerily ignored, mocked and marginalized, the challenge now becomes to focus on the players who are choosing a role in the overt rollout of the chemical spraying crimes against humanity. Activists, informed citizens and critical thinkers need to expose these new players and claims seeking to insert their lies and deception into the hearts and minds of the masses. The same way that geoengineering front man David Keith was laughed off on the Colbert Report is the same way we, the awakened critical thinkers and concerned citizens, must look to expose Weather Modification Inc. and any contractors, military or corporations who continue to work toward the agenda that involves the geoengineering of our planet.

All geoengineering must stop now and we all have an obligation to demand this stops. I have never consented to inhaling nano-sized metal particles that are known to be dangerous to the human body and nature. This is exponentially worse than the dangerous vaccines the establishment is forcing on your children. This is unapproved mass genocide and human experimentation, all of which is prohibited by the ethical guidelines that apply to all experimental subjects. The first being knowledge. For any experiment to be considered ethical the subject must have knowledge of the experiment being conducted on him/her. This knowledge has been hidden and these experiments on nature and humanity continue unapproved.

Let us never accept these lies and propaganda which have been planned in advance to usher in the rollout of geoengineering. Educate your children and keep sharing this relevant information about science, ethics, plane tracking, visual evidence and personal observational studies, and the hidden nature of the secret pseudo-science government studies that are supposed to prove that somehow ordinary emission from average planes can be emitted during normal flight and simultaneously change the weather. Think for a minute, how did the Wright Brothers miss this massive global climate altering side effect of their planes, and why didn’t this massive plane flight side effect make it to the literature and books about planes all these years? Why doesn’t anyone recall seeing lines in the sky before say 2000? Where are the childhood photos with chemtrails in the background? Did we all suffer from mass visual illusions of deep blue skies only?

This spraying agenda is very much a part of the global government plans for control admitted by the U.S. Air Force which has stated goals of controlling the weather by 2025. This control is already much more advanced and possibly in full effect now. Let’s keep the pressure on government to release the information they know about these spraying operations and let’s demand criminal investigations into those heading this agenda. Let’s keep a mental note of; Thou shalt not be fooled, in the back of our minds as we continue to fight for exposure and criminalization of all forms of unapproved unethical geoengineering.

Will we ever get our once beautiful blue skies back? Will it happen in our generation? It doesn’t seem very likely given the pace of lies and deception laced in massive compartmentalization the system has embarked on. We may not know how this will end but let us at least focus on who the players are and their tactics, so we can channel our energies and efforts in the most efficient way.

Bernie Suarez is an activist, critical thinker, radio host, musician, M.D, Veteran, lover of freedom and the Constitution, and creator of the Truth and Art TV project. He also has a background in psychology and highly recommends that everyone watch a documentary titled The Century of the Self. Bernie has concluded that the way to defeat the New World Order is to truly be the change that you want to see. Manifesting the solution and putting truth into action is the very thing that will defeat the globalists.

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