Divided are WE? Sure, but thank the Democrats for that

By J. D. Heyes, editor-in-chief

(National Sentinel) Divided States of America: It’s no longer a secret: America is a very divided country, and without a doubt in the age of Obama and Trump, our divisions have only grown wider and deeper.

Here’s a little secret: It’s all by design.

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The American Left is no different than the Marxist Left in any other country on the planet, in the past or present day: Their goal is to create divisions and then exploit them to their advantage. It’s how they can get “converts” to their cause. They create straw men, create boogeymen, then demonize individuals who oppose them or their political beliefs as well as their cultural values and mores.

Here are just a few of the most recent examples that I’ve found in the past few weeks that prove my point that Democrats, not supporters of President Donald J. Trump, are the real reason why Americans remain hopelessly divided and barreling down the path to another civil war:

The Oakland mayor: In recent days the mayor of Oakland, Calif., Libby Schaaf, took the unprecedented step of tipping off illegal aliens living in the city and surrounding areas that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were preparing a sweep. Justifying her obstruction of justice and disclosure of classified information, Schaaf actually called the men and women of ICE — who’s job it is to arrest people in the country illegally — racists. Update: The Trump Justice Department is considering charges against her.

The Senate Minority Leader: Last week Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., declared he could not vote for one of Trump’s picks to fill a vacant U.S. District Court seat in South Carolina. The reason? Trump’s pick was a white man. “The nomination of Marvin Quattlebaum speaks to the overall lack of diversity in President Trump’s selections for the federal judiciary,” Schumer complained. “Quattlebaum replaces not one, but two scuttled Obama nominees who were African American,” he continued. (Related: Anti-white racism is becoming blatant on college campuses)
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Translation: President Trump is a racist, a charge Schumer has made often, most recently in January on late-night TV.

The Parkland, Fla., school shooting: Democrats and their sycophantic allies in the American Pravda media completely politicized the tragedy to push for gun control and blame the NRA.

Translation: The Democratic Party doesn’t really care about securing schools; they want to disarm Americans on the false premise that guns, not shooters, are responsible for such events.

The Fake News: Without question, one of the most divisive forces in America today is the Pravda media. In the age of Trump, journalistic integrity — what was left of it — in the so-called “Mainstream media” has been completely destroyed after more than a year’s worth of fake news, baseless allegations, and constant, non-stop Trump hate. It’d be one thing if the breathless reporting of Trump included real instances and examples, along with proof of “corruption” and law-breaking, but there’s been none that so far has been tied to the President.

The House Minority Leader: One of the most dishonest claims thus far by Democrats are those made in relation to the massive tax-cut and reform legislation Republicans and Trump passed. They are designed to reduce the tax burden for as many as 93 percent of Middle-Class earners, but Democrats on the state and national level have outright lied about its benefits (because they know Americans who get those cuts will have to credit Trump and the GOP for giving them more money at the end of each month).

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The worst offender has been House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. On more than one occasion she has claimed the tax reductions are mere “crumbs” to American earners (which, even if true — and it isn’t — “crumbs” in return are always better than endless tax increases under Democratic rule).

Today’s Democratic Party is no different than the Marxists who run Cuba and Venezuela. They divide their people in order to empower themselves. The result is a broken and broke country that is constantly restive but never improving.

A version of this story first appeared at Newstarget.

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