Coming next: DOJ IG Horowitz’s YEAR-LONG investigation into FBI’s bungling of Hillary email case set to blow case wide open

(National SentinelBombshells: Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz is not well-known to most Americans, but in the coming weeks his name is liable to become much more familiar.

That’s because he is expected to wrap up an investigation that he’s been conducting quietly in the background regarding the FBI’s so-called investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified emails.

As reported by The Hill, Horowitz’s report is expected by the spring, and it could reignite the Clinton case and lead to further revelations regarding the scandalous nature in which the probe was allegedly conducted.

Already many Americans are familiar with previous reports noting that, for instance, then-FBI Director James Comey began preparing a statement exonerating Clinton months before the probe was completed and before she was ever interviewed. In fact, the bureau has already confirmed this.

What’s more, we know that then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was aware that Comey would exonerate Clinton before she recused herself from the investigation after meeting former President Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac in Arizona.

And others believe the scandal deeply involves former President Obama. That includes former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova, who spoke about that last month with The Daily Caller:


Now, Horowitz’s report promises to provide even more evidence that the ‘fix was in’ to let the Democratic nominee for president in 2016 off the hook for what many experts — including Comey — saw as clear-cut violations of the Espionage Act.

As reported by The Hill:

A political appointee in both the Bush and Obama administrations, Horowitz’s yearlong investigation already reportedly contributed to the early resignation of Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. And his work has been felt in other ways.

Horowitz also uncovered a series of text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that led special counsel Robert Mueller to remove Strzok from his team. Those texts have fueled accusations among GOP lawmakers that Mueller’s probe is tainted by partisanship.

Friends and associates of Horowitz describe him as fair-minded and independent.

“He is really one of the smartest and fairest people I have ever had the pleasure to work with,” said Bill Hamel, who served as assistant inspector general for investigations at the Department of Education. “He’s a straight shooter and a fair guy. He’s an honest broker.”

That said, no matter what Horowitz’s findings conclude, they are liable to be attacked by a hyper-partisan Congress, say observers.

More from The Hill:

It’s possible that both parties will get political ammunition from Horowitz’s report.

The inspector general is examining whether then-FBI Director James Comey broke FBI procedure with his public disclosures about the Clinton case, including the letter that he sent to Congress a few weeks before the election. Before Trump fired Comey, Democrats were outspoken in their criticism of those decisions, saying they violated procedure and cost Clinton the election.

But Horowitz is also looking into allegations that McCabe should have been recused from the investigation. Republicans, including Trump, have seized on reports that McCabe’s wife accepted campaign contributions from Clinton ally and former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe when she ran for state office in Virginia, calling it a clear conflict of interest. 

Finally, Horowitz is also looking into unauthorized disclosures of information.

“There are a lot of legitimate questions that I hope would be answered by this inspector and that probably aren’t going to paint the DOJ or the FBI in a particularly good light,” Ron Hosko, a former official in the FBI’s criminal investigative division, told the paper.

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