College ‘snowflakes’ all want safe spaces? Not according to this new survey

(National SentinelHigher Education: Many Americans have been conditioned by the disgusting “mainstream media” to believe there is near-universal acceptance of, and demand for, so-called “safe spaces” on college campuses – refuges where the little snowflakes can all go to in order to escape speech, political ideology and expressed thoughts they disagree with.

chief-organics-msmIn the real world, however, that’s not the case at all. In fact, a new survey found that a solid majority of American college and university students have little use for them.

As reported by The Daily Signal:

Sixty-two percent of students did not agree with or felt indifferent to safe spaces, according to a poll of 1,659 current college students taken by LendEDU, a student loan consolidation and refinancing organization. Of those surveyed, 37 percent agreed that safe spaces “are completely out of touch with reality” and 25 percent said they were indifferent. Thirty-six percent said they felt safe spaces are “absolutely necessary”.

Perhaps worse than anything is that these artificial enclaves of ‘security’ are being championed by moronic university administrators, who are now complicit in graduating a generation of college graduates who have no real-world coping skills whatsoever:

Some university presidents, such as Morton Schapiro of Northwestern University, say they believe that safe spaces are essential to collegiate learning.

“The best hope we have of creating an inclusive community is to first create spaces where members of each group feel safe” Schapiro wrote for The Washington Post.

Schapiro also spoke to new Northwestern freshmen on safe spaces in September 2016.

“‘The people who decry safe spaces do it from their segregated housing places, from their jobs without diversity—they do it from their country clubs … ‘It just drives me nuts,’” Schapiro said, according to The Daily Northwestern, the university’s news publication.

No, moron, it is you who are sequestered – tucked away in your ivory tower with your $1.25 million annual pay and tenured job status. Most Americans who are disgusted by “safe spaces” and the idiots who created and espouse them don’t have country club memberships, segregated housing, diversity-free jobs – or million-dollar-plus salaries.

And now we know that most college students don’t agree with Schapiro, either, making him even more out of touch with most Americans and reality.


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