Campus COMMIE: Lib professor claims meritocracy is WHITE supremacy

(National SentinelAcademia: A while liberal English professor at Linfield College in McMinnville, Oregon, has devised a ‘checklist’ she says is intended to let others know if they are a white supremacist.

In a Friday op-ed for Inside Higher Ed, Professor Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt claimed that following many years of thought and reflection, she “created a list of qualities and attributes of those that overtly or covertly support or contribute to a culture of mundane and everyday white supremacy within our institutions.”

She then proceeded to outline 15 “troubles” that she “identified to help others in academe recognize your (un)conscious contributions to white supremacy,” Campus Reform reported.

The first item on the checklist is working “in a position of power in a predominantly white institution” while doing nothing “to change the white supremacist power structures within your departments, committees and institutional decision-making process.”

The checklist also claims that wanting to nominate “‘stellar’ (mostly men) and obviously ‘white’” colleagues for leadership positions and awards is also a sign of aiding white supremacy, and implicitly supports “a logic of meritocracy that is built on this racist assumption that everyone has had the same access and opportunities.”

“When it comes to understanding your own white privilege, you get very angry if a faculty member of color points out to you where and how your privilege is operating,” another bullet point says. “You deem such critiques as ‘uncivil’ and as not supporting a collegial environment.”

It’s not the first time someone in academia has pushed what are essentially communist ideas. Last fall, Penn State Prof. Angela Putnam wrote in an academic paper that the notion “if I work hard, I can be successful” is merely a product of white ideology.

Emphasizing a collectivist mindset, Putman introduces the notion that Americans are falsely “socialized to believe that we got to where we are… because of our own individual efforts.”

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