California Defying: Illegal alien appointed to statewide office in latest act of lawlessness

By J. D. Heyes, editor-in-chief

(National SentinelSanctuary: Democrats who run the “sanctuary state” of California continue to poke the federal bear with their lawless behavior regarding illegal immigrants.

In recent days, Libby Schaaf, the mayor of Oakland, drew the ire of President Donald J. Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Acting Director Thomas Homan, and nine-tenths of immigration agents and federal prosecutors when she tipped off her community to a pending raid that sought mostly to remove criminal aliens from northern California.

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ICE agents only managed to arrest about 150 suspects — half of whom have criminal records — while more than 800 others on agents’ lists managed to escape.

Now, Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León, D-Los Angeles, and a candidate for the U.S. Senate, has appointed Lizbeth Mateo to the California Student Opportunity and Access Program Project Grant Advisory Committee, Breitbart News’ senior editor-at-large, Joel Pollack, reports.

Mateo, who is an attorney, was born in Mexico and came to the U.S. illegally at the age of 14 with her parents — who, of course, are also illegal aliens, according to the Sacramento Bee.

Not surprisingly, this American-educated lawyer has complained that people in the United States illegally have not been adequately represented in the California government (I guess the state’s sanctuary law, along with various cities’ sanctuary policies, which protect the presence of illegal aliens, along with their ability to take jobs “Americans won’t do,” isn’t enough — to say nothing of the police and fire protection, the emergency medical care, the free K-12 education, etc.).

In describing her appointment as long overdue and a step towards correcting all of this alleged injustice, she was quoted by Fox News as saying, “While undocumented students have become more visible in our state, they remain underrepresented in places where decisions that affect them are being made.”

The tone-deafness of that statement is, to me, stunning. She doesn’t even seem remotely aware of the fact that American citizens — even Californians — do not “owe” people in our country illegally anything except a humane deportation. Where she sees “underrepresentation,” most Americans are fed up with being lectured by ungrateful lawbreakers and believe that representation, under our system, is decided by, and reserved for, citizens.


Meanwhile, DeLeon, who is running against incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein — presumably because she’s not kooky-Left enough, described Mateo as “a courageous, determined and intelligent young woman who at great personal risk has dedicated herself to fight for those seeking their rightful place in this country,” according to Fox News.

It doesn’t take much courage to stand up as an illegal alien and demand rights and privileges and “representation” reserved for American citizens when you’re being protected by lawless politicians running a lawless statewide government.

What’s interesting, however, is that, as Pollack points out, Mateo seems confused as to which country she actually prefers: Her native Mexico or the country she and her parents broke into (that has provided them with so much nonetheless). He writes:

In a Facebook post in 2016, apparently celebrating her graduation from Santa Clara University School of Law, Mateo declared, in Spanish: “[E]verything is dedicated to Oaxaca, Mexico!! to that land that I miss so much.”

While posing with a Mexican flag.

Have you ever wondered why, in America, our flag and our culture offend people like her (and DeLeon), but our benefits sure don’t?

And mind you, how is it that the federal government can ask American citizens to repay their student loans, but illegal aliens get a free ride at more and more colleges?

Why are American citizens labeled “racists” and “Nazis” while illegal aliens are called “Dreamers” and held up as saints?

If you’re like me, you are having a hard time understanding how it is that someone who praises their native land and poses with its flag finds it offensive and a punishment to have to return there.

Image: Facebook

A version of this story first appeared at Newstarget.

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