Broward Deputy Scot Peterson Gets $8k A Month From Pension

Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson currently receives over eight thousand dollars a month in pension despite his failure to act during February’s tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

According to the Sun-Sentinel, Peterson has started receiving $8,702.35 a month from his pension. Peterson resigned and retired on February 22, a week after the school shooting, rather than face disciplinary action and/or termination. (RELATED: Broward County Deputy Scot Peterson: I Am Not A ‘Coward’)

Peterson waited outside of the school as Nikolas Cruz killed 17 people, even though Sheriff Scott Israel said that he clearly knew what was going on. (RELATED: Broward County Sheriff Releases Video Of Deputy’s Inaction during Parkland Shooting)

He received a salary of $101,879.03 last year, including his base pay and overtime.

Fred Guttenberg and Andrew Pollack, two fathers whose children were killed in the shooting, slammed Peterson for still being paid despite his inaction.

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