Black writer/activist: Congressional Black Caucus’ behavior during SOTU address show they are ‘slaves to Democratic Party’

(National SentinelDisrespect: A young, black YouTube sensation and writer took to Twitter to voice her disgust at the way the Congressional Black Caucus behaved during President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union address, comparing their lockstep Democratic Party allegiance to slavery.

Candace Owens, otherwise known as Red Pill Black, posted several tweets during and after Trump’s SOTU as the caucus showed what she described as blatant disrespect for Trump’s accomplishments on behalf of the black community, the Western Journal reported.

“Phew. Turns out it’s not just the triumphs of black people that Democrats hate; It’s America in general,” she began.

Owens continued her tweet storm, criticizing caucus members for remaining seated as Trump touted historic low unemployment figures for blacks and Hispanics, to a standing ovation from Republicans and others in the U.S. Capitol chamber.

She said that they would have stood in ovation had President Obama made the same announcement, claiming it proves they “are nothing more than slaves to the Democratic Party.”

“If Obama had announced that black unemployment was at an all time low, the black caucus would have leapt to their feet and erupted into cheers. Their silence last night proves that they do not hold black interests. They are nothing more than slaves to the Democratic Party,” she tweeted.

“For too long, blacks that have been trying to help the black community have been labeled coons, while those that wish to destroy it have been celebrated as heroes,” Owens added. “That chapter is coming to an end. BlackAmerica is on the brink of an ideological revolution. We can’t be stopped.”

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